Official Main Trailer of the new Godzilla movie

18.824.805 people watched  the Official Main Trailer of the new Godzilla movie on Youtube as of today. The trailer was put up 17 days ago. That’s, let’s say, roundabout over 100.000 visitors a day. There are more than 25.000 comments, and a lot of them use the annoying character reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepetion and CAPITAL LETTERS to express that the trailer is SOOOOOOOO FUCKING AWESOME.

Two things that bother me

  1. This trailer is actually not that good.
  2. I thought, Google only allowing registered Google+ users to comment Youtube-videos would decimate comments of dumb assholes which have nothing to say but dumb shit. Now I realize, most of those 25.000 comments of registered Google+ users are the same old plain dumb shit.

Ever heared of a movie called Prometheus?

Let’s remember the last time when a great movie icon had been resurrected. Prometheus, 2012. My god, watching those trailers made me shit my pants so hard it propelled me right through the roof. They were that awesome. We all know, the actual movie was a pathetic pile of Alien-bullshit.

I am not saying that G 2014 will be bad. I am saying, don’t freak out about it before you haven’t seen the actual thing.

Gareth Edwards is the man for the job

Gareth Edwards is the man. He is clever, he’s a Godzilla-fan since childhood, he’s a damn good director and storyteller, he has humour, and he, most importantly, has something to proof. He, contrary to Ridley Scott, who was in his 70s when he made Prometheus, is at the beginning of his career. Edwards never was in charge of a Hollywood-Blockbuster before, which can be a good or a bad thing. IMO, even if he fails, I’m pretty sure noone would have done it better.

Question is: What are we expecting?

I could have never said it better than Mike of He, as a hardcore-Godzilla-fan, doesn’t care if Godzilla 2014 will please a wider audience and bring Godzilla to mainstream. He doesn’t care if G 2014 will do the same thing that the Lord-of-the-Rings-Movies did, which is, making the story accessible to people who didn’t care about the books. All he wants is a new Godzilla movie that pleases him as a Godzilla-fan, and nothing more.

As I said in my Pacific-Rim-review, this is a monster-movie, no more, no less. If you like watching giant robots fighting  giant monsters, there is nothing better than Pacific Rim. If you don’t, it’s a complete waste of time.

Don’t overexpect

It seems to me, fans want the new Godzilla movie to be more than this. They want it to be a movie that converts the non-believers into believers. What Peter Jackson did with Lord of the Rings.

Actually, that would be nice, but I agree with Mike: There will be a new Godzilla-movie, and that’s awesome, period.

Why the trailer sucks

I won’t bother going into detail with this, because I believe trailers are completely unreliable regarding it’s final product and I really wonder who falls for that nowadays.

It begins with „I wanna talk to somebody in charge!“ on the audio-track. Later, there is „God help us all!“ Now, can you get any more stock?

„I wanna talk to somebody in charge!“ in a trailer of a movie about a giant behemoth that can easily destroy the whole fucking world and is indestructible? And there is some guy saying a line that is a standard line since the invention of cop/lawyer-series? That’s really disappointing. In every episode of Law and Order that line comes up at least 3 times. And they are using it for an intro-line for a FUCKING GODZILLA MOVIE???!

„God help us all!“ – this line is even worse. It’s a desperate attempt to tell the audience „in case you did not notice, I, the film you are watching, am telling you, how dramatic I am, because my events are so dramatic!“ – In fact, this line is from every bad SF-movie EVER. From the top of my head Independence Day, Signs.

Summon the facts

I think the trailer is bad, because it’s saying absolute nothing and I don’t understand why thousands of people are publicly orgasming about how awesome it is.
I still have high hopes on G 2014, because Gareth Jones will get it right. I am pretty sure you and I will not have made a better G 2014.

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